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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-08-12 22:42:37


释义:meteor shower

1. At several specific times of a year, great meteor showers occur. 在一年的几个特定时间里, 会发生大规模的流星雨.

2. Meteor shower begin in earnest in mid - July. 流星雨真正开始是在七月中旬.

3. So while you were watching shooting stars, they were dying. 那么,你欣赏流星雨的时候他们正忙着自杀?

4. The Geminides originate from mysterious 3200 Phaethon , which is anasteroid. 双子座流星雨是由神秘的第3200号小行星“非以颂”产生的.

5. Your reclining chair will break down on August 12 at 7 pm. 你的躺椅会在8月12日(英仙座流星雨极大期)下午7点的时候坏了.

6. Most people who stay up to observe the meteor shower are girls. 大多熬夜看流星雨的都是女生.

7. Meteor shower is the most romantic and magnificently astronomicalphenomena. 流星雨是最富浪漫色彩的天象奇观.

8. That shows the 1466 stream is rich in meteor - producing debris. 这表明1466年流丰富的流星雨产生的碎片.

9. This spectacle of light is, however, well worth the wait. 可是, 如果能有幸观看流星雨的壮丽景象, 这样的等待也值得.

10. It is the most meteor shower until now this year. 这是今年迄今为止最为壮观的流星雨.


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