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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-04-16 16:42:11


1. Because the overnight egg Fried rice is harmful to body healthy. 过了夜的蛋炒饭对身体有害.

2. Egg drop soup and shrimp fried rice. 蛋花汤和虾仁炒饭.

3. Can we have two plainrice and one fried rice, please ? 我们可以要两份白米饭和一份炒饭 吗 ?

4. We have fried rice , fried noodles, instant noodles, cake and bread. 我们这里有炒饭 、 面, 方便面 、 糕和面包.

5. Seafood Fried Rice Ingredients: Bean Sprout, Crabstick, Prawn , Sotong &Fish Cake. 海鲜炒饭配料: 豆芽 、 蟹肉 、 虾、 苏东 、鱼饼.

6. Sweet Corn Soup and two Yeung Chow Fried Rice , please. 粟米汤和两碟扬洲州炒饭.

7. Food Fired Shrimp with salted egg, Tuna Omelet, Steak, Fried Insect. 咸蛋炒虾.金枪鱼蛋饼.牛排. 炸虫子--什么虫?

8. Fried rice - Pan - fried rice, usually with chunks of meat, vegetables, andoften egg. 炒饭 - 泛炒饭, 通常大块的肉, 菜, 而且往往是鸡蛋.

9. According to the menu, there are'stir - fried rice ", " rools ", and " dumplings " 根据菜单介绍, 这里供应 “ 炒饭 ” 、 “ 花卷 ” 和 “ 饺子 ”

10. We have pan - fried egg, scramble egg, boiled egg, poached egg. 我们有煎蛋, 炒蛋, 煮蛋, 荷包蛋.


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